Vincent Body Expert
Phone : +33 7 81 88 11 75
E-mail :

Assured Discretion
At your hotel or home
Paris and part of the departments 78, 91, 92, 94
7D/7 – from noon to 11 pm

Vincent Body Expert
Phone : +33 7 81 88 11 75
E-mail :

Assured Discretion
At your hotel or home
Paris and part of the departments
(78, 91, 92, 94)
7D/7 – from noon to 11 pm


You must be of age and therefore be over 18 years old.

All information concerning the customers remains strictly confidential.

I reserve the right to refuse to perform an erotic or pornographic service if medical contraindications appear.

All pets should be kept away from the room where I work the time of the session.

You must be of age and therefore be over 18 years old.

All information concerning the customers remains strictly confidential.

I reserve the right to refuse to perform an erotic or pornographic service if medical contraindications appear.

All pets should be kept away from the room where I work the time of the session.


Know that all the people who try to make an appointment with me for an erotic massage or the realization of a porn shooting or video and which, in spite of several attempts, remain unanswered, are obligatorily on my Blacklist for problem of behavior.

Automatically find on my Blacklist all the people who:
– cancel their appointment without warning, or 1h before this one, or in a repetitive way,
– attempt to negotiate rates,
– make derogatory remarks,
– force to offer an erotic massage to a woman who does not want it.
Once in the Blacklist, no negotiation is possible to get out. It is impossible to take or resume an appointment.